Hi again...I cleared out all my awards a little while ago, but have been given another two from sweet Jennie which I will share with you here!
The first one came accompanied by a little questionnaire...Here it is! Well, no it isn't...Can someone tell me how to get a whole page document in here without having to type it all out again. I have it currently in Word!
The people I would love to pass these two awards on to would be:
1. Christyne http://handstampedfromtheheart.blogspot.com
2. Paige http://shewhomuststamp.blogspot.com
3. Michelle http://inkyscraps.blogspot.com
4. Kristin http://kristinshappy.blogspot.com
5. Cathleen http://crookedcardcreations.blogspot.com
This second comes with 5 things you may or may not know about me!
1. I turned FIFTY on the 16th of November and am a Monday child.
2. I went to an all girls' school. I then insisted my own chidren went to a coed school!
3. I hate the hot weather even though I live in the tropics. The aircon is raging on right now trying to keep me cool.
4. I will have been married 24 years on the 4th of January. Lived a year with my husband before tying the knot...
5. I cut the top of my index finger off on my right hand when I was six....sitting in a deck chair and leant forward.....so I have a very funny looking finger happening there!